Nuevo seminario de la serie “Nuevas soluciones con Big Data” organizados por el UC3M-Santander Big Data Institute (IBiDat) donde se presentarán problemas reales en distintos campos y la solución aportada utilizando todos los datos disponibles. Lo seminarios intentan ser un punto de encuentro de profesionales y académicos para presentar problemas y analizar posibles soluciones basadas en Big Data.
El siguiente seminario será el viernes 22 de marzo a las 9.30 en la sala 4.1.E03 del edificio nº 4 (Torres Quevedo) del Campus de Leganés de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y finalizará a las 11:00.
En esta ocasión el seminario tendrá como título “Did I Give Consent to This? Towards Building a Complete Picture of the Privacy Risks in Android Apps” (the talk will be in English). Será presentado por Narseo Vallina Rodriguez: Research Assistant Professor en IMDEA Networks Institute e Investigador Principal en el International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) en Berkeley, CA. More information at
In this talk we describe our research efforts to reveal mobile applications privacy risks and their regulatory compliance. Thanks to our two home-built auditing tools, the Lumen Privacy Monitor and AppCensus, we obtain empirical observations about applications’ runtime behaviour and their network activity. The analysis of their behaviour reveals how mobile apps communicate with tracking services and how they collect sensitive personal information about users. We broadly characterise third-party advertising and tracking services for mobile apps, including their operations and regulatory compliance. We identified over 2,121 such services, of which 233 were previously unknown. The majority of these services are present in children-oriented apps, hence potentially violating the U.S.A. COPPA rule and the GDPR legislation in the EU. The talk will also briefly cover our ongoing work comparing Chinese app stores to Google Play, and summarise our findings about some pre-installed apps that collect data without user consent.
Los seminarios están organizados por Carlo Sguera, investigador de IBiDat ( al que puedes dirigirte para información adicional.
Los seminarios son de carácter abierto y gratuito. Se agradece confirmación de asistencia rellenando el siguiente formulario: